Simple XOR Decoding With Ghidra



  • Create a new project
  • Import a shellcode (shellcode.bin provided by the author)
    • Tell Language: x86 (visual studio) image
  • The analyzed result shows up
    • Go to the first offset (00000000)
    • (at this moment, the codes seem to be a series of random bytes)
    • ‘D’ or ‘Disassemble’
    • (now, the unpacking codes will show up)


  • The first jump (at 00000000) goes to 00000016 CALL FUN_00000002
  • Looking at the codes from 00000002, there is function that works as a XOR decoder:
    • 0x186 and 0x97 seem to be the size of the packed code and the encoding key image
  • from the code above,
    00000009 XOR byte ptr DS:[EAX + ECX*1],0x97
    0000000e TEST ECX,ECX
    00000010 JNZ LAB_00000008
    • EAX is a location (of the encoded shell codes). This value was popped from the stack at 00000002 POP EAX, and again it was pushed when the function was called at 00000016 CALL FUN_00000002 as a return address. So, the value must directs to the offset, 00000001b (the next opcode).
    • ECX is a counter, if ECX is non-zero, it jumps to 00000008(loops back and continue the process). Otherwise(if it reached to the end), it calls EAX (again, EAX has the base address of the shellcodes)
    • At this moment, the encoded codes have been all XOR decoded.


  • Before decoded, they (the codes below 0000001b) look like weird operations that doesn’t make sense at all, or look just random data. image
  • Also, withinin the encoded data section, 0x97 appears a lot. We can say that the NULL bytes in the original codes are encoded as the same value with the XOR key (since 0 XOR key == key)

How we can obtain the encoded codes?

Two options

  1. Run the codes from the debugger placing a break point.
    • The breakpoint can be set at 0000001b (where the shellcode begins), HOWEVER software breakpoints can be overwritten.
    • The better position to place the breakpoint is at 00000012, which is just a moment before the shell code is called, while the codes are decoded and can be extracted.
  2. A static way
    • the shell codes are located from
      • the start of the shellcode (00000001b offset)
      • and the offset 000001a1 (0000001b + loop size(0x186))
    • set block over the ecoded codes, then Right-click, and choose “Clear Code Bytes” from the encoded shellcodes
    • press the “play” menu icon (Display Script Manager)
    • if the “Script Manager” window pops up, filter with “xor”, then “” appers image
    • Choose “the Play” icon, again
    • Then ghidra asks which the XorValue is used; enter 0x97
    • Then the decoded codes are displayed on the screen
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Wandering around insecure worlds...