Installing Cobalt Strike

Cobalt strike



  • Well-known groups that use Cobalt Strike ( FIN6, Iranian{CopyKittens}, NorthKorean{APT37}, Russian{Wizard Spider, Indrik Spider, APT29}, Vietnamese{APT32}, Chinese{Aquatic Panda, Chimera, Leviathan, Threat Group-3390, APT19, meenuPass, APT41, Mustang Panda, Earth Lusca}, DarkHydrus, FIN7, Cobalt Group

Preparing VMs

  • Team Server @ Xubuntu 22.04
    • Network: Host-Only Adapter(vboxnet1),, GW
    • default-jre (ver. 11) installed
  • Client#1 @ Windows 10
  • (optionally,) Client#2 @ Windows 10
    • Network: Host-Only Adapter(vboxnet1),, GW
    • it’s a clone of the Client#1
  • Now guest can ping each other
    • FYI, Window 10 opted out the ping service by default => For pinging each other, Windows Defender Firewall Off (or set the “ICMP Echo Request(ICMPv4-in)” rule applied for when the remote host is “local subnet”)

Starting the Team Server @ Xubuntu

  • if necessary, give +x for files

  • ./teamserver _SERVERIP_ _PW_


  • (c.f.)

    teamserver <host> <password> [path/to/C2.profile] [YYYY-MM-DD]
    • host: IP of the TS
    • password: shared password to connect to the TS
    • profile: Malleable C2 profile
    • date: kill date for Beacon payloads run from the TS
    • it may use existing X509 certificate and keystore for SSL
    • then the server will be up on and start listening http_beacon

Staring the client#1 @ Win10

  • Run

    java -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -XX:+AggressiveHeap -XX:+UseParallelGC -jar _CLIENT_.jar $*
  • A dialog pops up


  • As a connection established, a “joined” message is displayed on the CS main window

Starting the client#2 @ Win10

  • Run as the above
  • Users connected to the teamserver shows up on the screen: image
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