A forensic cheet sheet
get hash from a file
- Windows `PS> get-filehash -algorithm sha1 <filename>`
- Linux `md5sum|sha256sum <filename>`
- Malware hashes
search a file name:
find <DIR> -name <filename>
search a string:
grep -r <search_string> <targetFILES> ([--include '*.conf']
- or
find . -type f -print | xargs grep -i "search_string" /dev/null
- or
find . -name '*.ext' | xargs grep -r --color=auto -n 2>dev/null 'search_string'
(search and color them)
- or
search a string from a binary:
$ strings <binary_file> | grep <search_string>
- tools: axiom, xways
- the carving does not recover the file/dir structure
xfs_undelete ( )
xfs_undelete -o /mnt/external_harddisk /dev/sda3
: This stores the recovered files from /dev/sda3 in the directory /mnt/external_harddisk.xfs_undelete -t 2023-01-16 /dev/sda3
: This ignores files deleted before January 16th, 2023.
covnert an encase image(.E01) to a raw (.001) file: ftk-imager
mount a raw file (IMAGE.001) (
- create a loop device:
losetup --partscan --find --show IMAGE.001
- find the loop device:
$ losetup -l
- mount the loop device:
mount -t FSYS_TYPE [-o offset=512] <loop_device> /media/MOUNT_TARGET_DIR
- create a loop device:
Analyze specific files (here in the example, *.html fiels)
- get HTML-file names:
$ find . -name "*.html" > htmlfiles
- wrote a script
#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys import subprocess if (len(sys.argv) != 2): print("where is the input file, huh?"); sys.exit() f = open(sys.argv[1]) line = f.readline() while line: p =['/usr/bin/file', line.rstrip('\n')]) line = f.readline(); f.close()
- run the script
$ python3 ./ htmlfiles | grep encrypted $ python3 ./ htmlfiles | grep -v "HTML document" | grep -v "ASCII"
- check the entropy of files :
$ ent <file_name> | awk '/Entropy =/ {print $3}'
Run Anti-virus
- install Clam-AV
- Modify the above script (switch
) - Run the script
$ python3 htmlfiles > __HTML_SCAN_RES.txt | grep "Infected files: 1"
- Clam-AV Update
$ service clamav-freshclam stop
$ sudo freshclam
$ service clamav-freshclam start
- Clam-AV Scan ’’' $ clamscan -i -r . ’''