Testing Websockets 1


  • Websocket enables a browser to be capable of synchronous communication using TCP
  • Python/Java: Websocket / C#: signalR / nodejs: socket.io(long polling)
  • [Traditional] Only when a browser sends a request -> A web server responses back to the request <- (asynchronous, unidirectional)
  • [Websocket] After a connection is established between a browser and a webserver, whichever part can send messages any time via the connection (connection-oriented, bidirectional)
  • included in HTML5 standards, supported by most browsers

A simple websocket echo: a python server and an HTML client

A Server in Python


  • download a library pip install websockets
import asyncio;
import websockets;
## create a native coroutine that will be called when websocket peer is connected
async def accept(websocket, path):
  ## repeat: waiting - handling messages - replying
  while True:
    # waiting until a message arrives
    msg = await websocket.recv();
    # handling the message
    print("Message received : " + msg);
    # replying back to the message
    await websocket.send("[RE]: " + msg);
    print("Just replied");
# Create a websocket server at localhost:7777 
ws_server = websockets.serve(accept, "localhost", 7777);
# get an event loop
loop = asyncio.get_even t_loop()
# wait until ws_server finishes
# run forever

An HTML client


  • create a directory, called a_ws_client that will be mounted to an NGINX docker instance.
  • then create a websocket client page, a_ws_client.html file which has the following codes:
  <title>Testing websockets 1</title>

    <input id="txtMsg" type="text">
    <input onclick="sendmsg()" value="SEND" type="button">
    <input onclick="disconnect()" value="DISCONNECT" type="button">
  <br />
  <textarea id="taMsgs" rows="30" cols="50"></textarea>

  <script type="text/javascript">
    var webSocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:7777");
    var messageTextArea = document.getElementById("taMsgs");

    //event listeners
    webSocket.onopen = function(message){
      messageTextArea.value += "Connected to the websocket server...\n";

    webSocket.onclose = function(message){
      messageTextArea.value += "Server disconnected...\n";

    webSocket.onerror = function(message){
      messageTextArea.value += "Error...\n";

    webSocket.onmessage = function(message){
      messageTextArea.value += ("Recieved from the server => "+message.data+"\n");

    function sendmsg(){
      var message = document.getElementById("txtMsg");
      messageTextArea.value += "Sending to the server => "+message.value+"\n";
      message.value = "";
    function disconnect(){

How to run

  1. run a webserver (a NGINX docker container)
  • in the following example, ./a_ws_client will be mounted as /usr/share/nginx/html, the basic web document directory that NGINX uses
$ docker run --name ws_nginx -v ./a_ws_client:/usr/share/nginx/html -d -p 80:80 -p 7777:7777 nginx
  1. run a websocket server
$ /python3 ws_server.py &
  1. run the client browser
$ firefox a_ws_client/a_ws_client.html &
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