Run DVWA on a Kali VM
CAUTION - DO NOT be bothered by manually installing DVWA (Hightly possibly, it will fail).
Installing VMs
Tip: VMWare-Tools for Ubuntu/Kali VM on VMWare Fusion
- Installing VMWare-Tools
$ sudo apt install open-vm-tools
- when shared folder doesn’t work even after the vmware-tools are installed
$ sudo umount /mnt/hgfs $ sudo mount -t fuse.vmhgfs-fuse .host:/ /mnt/hgfs -o allow_other
Install Kali (.iso) on VMWare Fusion on Apple silicon(M2)
- Download Kali .iso for Apple silicon:
- Install how-to:
- Installation method: “Install from disc or image”.
- Create a new VM with the downloaded kali*.iso.
- When the “Finish” window pops up, click “Customized Settings”.
- Click the “Hard Disk” icon, and increase the disk space to 15 ~ 20 GB.
- Optional, Set Network “Bridged” (?)
Install Docker on Kali
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install -y
$ sudo systemctl enable docker --now
#add the current user to the docker group
$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
$ cat /etc/group | grep docker
# (... after LOGOUT, and re-LOGIN)
$ id
... there should be docker GID in the printed GID list
$ docker images
Install DVWA (manual and dockerized versions)
(Manual) Install a DVWA linux package on the Kali VM
sudo apt install dvwa
then just
$ dvwa start
or$ dvwa stop
The followings may not be needed:
- If needed,
sudo apt -y install apache2 mariadb-server php php-mysqli php-gd libapache2-mod-php
- Check the
file- run
dpkg -L dvwa | grep
, and find where the file is (in my case, it’s under/etc/dvwa/config
). - check if the configurations are right as follows:
$ cat /etc/dvwa/config/ ... $_DVWA = array(); $_DVWA[ 'db_server' ] = ''; #$_DVWA[ 'db_database' ] = 'dvwa'; $_DVWA[ 'db_database' ] = 'userDVWA'; $_DVWA[ 'db_user' ] = 'dvwa'; #$_DVWA[ 'db_password' ] = 'p@ssw0rd'; $_DVWA[ 'db_password' ] = 'dvwa'; $_DVWA[ 'db_port'] = '3306'; ...
- run
- Check if apache is running and run it if not.
$ sudo service apache2 status $ sudo service apache2 start
- If needed,
Setup MySQL (
- check MySQL status and run it if needed:
sudo systemctl start mysql
- set up the root passwd:
sudo mysql -u root -p
(I use ’toor’ as the root password) - create a user:
MariaDB [(none)]> create user 'userDVWA'@'' identified by "dvwa";
- grant permissions:
grant all privileges on dvwa.* to 'userDVWA'@'' identified by 'dvwa';
- check MySQL status and run it if needed:
Setup Apache
- sudo vi /etc/php/8.2/apache2/php.ini
allow_url_fopen = On ... #allow_url_include = Off allow_url_include = On
- sudo systemctl restart apache2
Check up configuration
- visit:
- if everything looks good, press “Create / Reset Database”
(Dockerized) Install dockerized-DVWA (amd64)
# possibly omit the following
($ docker pull vulnerables/web-dvwa)
$ docker run --rm -it -p 42001:80 vulnerables/web-dvwa
$ docker ps
$ docker stop XXXXXX(vulnerables/web-dvwa)
$ docker images
Install (Docker-ized) DVWA on the Kali VM for apple silicons (M2) (not working)
Install and execute the Docker Desktop
Double click
from Applications -
Get dockerized DVWA:
docker pull vulnerables/web-dvwa
Run a DVWA container (with 42001 port)
$ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE vulnerables/web-dvwa latest ab0d83586b6e 4 years ago 712MB $ docker run --rm -it -p 42001:80 ab0d # or $ docker run --rm -it -p 42001:80 vulnerables/web-dvwa
then, visit
- Login with admin/password
- Press the ‘Create/Reset database’ button.
- Set the difficulty level.