Android-x86 and Frida with VirtualBox on Linux(amd64)

Install Android-x86 with VirtualBox on Ubuntu 22.04


  1. Download an ISO image ( )
    • android-x86_64-9.0-r2.iso , in my case.
  2. Create a new VirtualBox VM
    • Type: Linux, Version: Linux 2.6/3.x/4.x/5.x (64-bit)
    • Hardware: Assign 4GB RAM
    • Hard Disk:
      • Create a Virtual Hard Disk Now
      • Give 8GB HDD
      • VDI (do not check Pre-allocate Full Size)
  3. Run VM and Boot with the downloaded .iso file
    • from the Boot menu, Choose “Installation”
  4. Install
    • Select “Create/Modify partitions” by pressing ‘C’
    • Decline GPT
    • Create a New, Primary partition that uses the entire space
      • Choose New, Choose Primary
      • Leave it (the maximum space Size is displayed)
      • Set it Bootable (The Flags are marked as ‘Boot’)
      • Write (yes)
      • Quit
    • Choose the just created partition
    • format ’ext4’ (for sure)
    • Install GRUB
    • Yes to install /system directory read-write
    • Run Android-x86
  5. Remove the .iso image and reboot
  6. it will boot with GRUB ‘Android-x86 9.0-r2" is being chosen
  7. It might boot without GUI, then
    • Poweroff the VM
    • “Settings - Display - Graphics Controller” needs to be ‘VBoxVGA’
  8. ETC
    • Wifi will be available as VirtWifi
    • ALT-F1 goes to the text shell, ALT-F7 comes back to GUI
    • When the screen is off due to the power saving supports, the “Power” button brings the screen back. The “ACPI Shutdown(HOST + H)” from the main menu corresponsds to the power button.


  • Power off the machine. Create a “Host-Only Network” poweroff. Uncheck(disable) NAT.
  • After the system is booted, figure out the IP (you can go to the text mode by ALT-F1).
  • Install ADB on the host: sudo apt install adb
  • Connect/Disconnect
    • adb connect
    • adb disconnect
  • Shell access: adb shell
  • File push:
    • adb shell "cd /data/local && mkdir tmp"
    • $ adb push ***.apk /data/local/tmp


Install Frida-server to the Android-x86 VM

Referenes: -

  • Confirm the architecture spec. of the Android VM
    $ adb shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abi

Download, install, and execute Frida

  • Download a server (referring the above architecture spec.) at

    $ wget
    $ mkdir frida-server
    $ mv ./frida-server-16.1.11-android-x86_64.xz ./frida-server
    $ xz -d -v ./frida-server/frida-server-16.1.11-android-x86_64.xz
  • Upload the downloaded Frida-server to the VM; Set its permission bit properly

    $ adb push ./frida-server/frida-server-16.1.11-android-x86_64 /data/local/tmp/frida-server
    $ adb shell "chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/frida-server"
  • Execute the Frida server

    $ adb shell
    $ su
    :/ # /data/local/tmp/frida-server &                                            
    [1] 3704
  • Troubleshooting

    • not executable: magic FD37 : decompress .xz
    • Unable to save SELinux policy to the kernel: Permission denied : disable SELinux
    $ adb shell
    x86_64:/ $ su
    :/ # setenforce 0
    • Unable to start: Error binding to address Address already in use : kill existing processes and re-run the Frida server



Download, install, and connect

  • pip install frida-tools
  • pip install frida
  • Test
     frida-ps -U
    PID  Name
    ----  ----------------------------------------------
    1695  Google App                                    
    2734  Google Play Store                             
    3546  Settings                                      
    2334  Taskbar                                       
    1099  adbd                                
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